Emma Lepri

About me:

My picture

I am a research associate at the University of Glasgow. My mentor is Michael Wemyss.

I obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Università di Roma La Sapienza in May 2023, under the supervision of professor Marco Manetti.
My Ph.D. thesis can be found here.

My research interests revolve around deformation theory: this includes both commutative deformation theory, via differential graded Lie algebras and L-infinity structures, and noncommutative deformation theory.

You can email me at:
emma.lepri [at] glasgow.ac.uk .

My curriculum vitae is here.
My Google Scholar profile is here.

Publications and preprints:

  • E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “On deformations of diagrams of commutative algebras”, In: E. Colombo et al. (eds.), Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces, Springer INdAM Series 39 (2020), 77-107. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37114-2_6, arXiv: 1902.10436.
  • E. Lepri, M. Manetti: “Connections and L-infinity liftings of semiregularity maps”, Journal of Geometry and Physics 168 (2021) 104303, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2021.104303, arXiv: 2102.05016.
  • E. Lepri, “Cyclic forms on DG-Lie algebroids and semiregularity”, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 151 (2024), pp. 85–121, link arXiv: 2104.12658.
  • R. Bandiera, E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “L-infinity liftings of semiregularity maps via Chern-Simons classes”, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 435, Part A, 2023,109358, link arXiv: 2111.12985.
  • R. Bandiera, E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids”, Pure Appl. Math. Q, Volume 20 (2024) Number 5, link arXiv: 2208.00694.
  • E. Lepri, “An elementary approach to the model structure on DG-Lie algebras”, Rend. Mat. Appl., 44 no. 1-2 (2023), 53-76, link arXiv: 2211.11669.
  • J. Karmazyn, E. Lepri, M. Wemyss, “Trivial extension DG-algebras, unitally positive A-infinity-algebras, and applications”, arXiv:2411.17359.