Emma Lepri

About me:

My picture

I am a research associate at the University of Glasgow. My mentor is Michael Wemyss.

My research interests revolve around deformation theory: this includes both commutative deformation theory, via differential graded Lie algebras and L-infinity structures, and noncommutative deformation theory.

I obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Università di Roma La Sapienza in May 2023, under the supervision of professor Marco Manetti.
My Ph.D. thesis can be found here.

You can email me at:
emma.lepri [at] glasgow.ac.uk .

My curriculum vitae is here.
My Google Scholar profile is here.

Publications and preprints:

  • E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “On deformations of diagrams of commutative algebras”, In: E. Colombo et al. (eds.), Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces, Springer INdAM Series 39 (2020), 77-107. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37114-2_6, arXiv: 1902.10436.
  • E. Lepri, M. Manetti: “Connections and L-infinity liftings of semiregularity maps”, Journal of Geometry and Physics 168 (2021) 104303, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2021.104303, arXiv: 2102.05016.
  • E. Lepri, “Cyclic forms on DG-Lie algebroids and semiregularity”, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 151 (2024), pp. 85–121, link arXiv: 2104.12658.
  • R. Bandiera, E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “L-infinity liftings of semiregularity maps via Chern-Simons classes”, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 435, Part A, 2023,109358, link arXiv: 2111.12985.
  • R. Bandiera, E. Lepri, M. Manetti, “Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids”, Pure Appl. Math. Q, Volume 20 (2024) Number 5, link arXiv: 2208.00694.
  • E. Lepri, “An elementary approach to the model structure on DG-Lie algebras”, Rend. Mat. Appl., 44 no. 1-2 (2023), 53-76, link arXiv: 2211.11669.
  • J. Karmazyn, E. Lepri, M. Wemyss, “Trivial extension DG-algebras, unitally positive A-infinity-algebras, and applications”, arXiv:2411.17359.